Thursday, December 3, 2020

Snow man story Pobble

 On Christmas Eve they came…

She had first seen them through the sitting room window, as she peeked out cautiously through a gap in the curtains.

Opening the front door, the little girl took a sharp intake of breath as thousands upon thousands of snowmen stared at her. Many of the small, white figures carried signs, written in different languages.

They must have travelled from all over the world to be here, on this special night of the year. But…Why had they come? What did they want? Why had they chosen her?

A million thoughts ran through her mind she doesn’t know what to do she thinks to close the door she closes it and rans to go and tell her parents but they don’t believe her so they come down and open the door OMG they say thye lock all the doors and make sure the window are shut closed and they go hide and they hear glasses break they hear footsteps up the stairs THEN………

They hear the door open and it’s silent for a moment then……..  Cristall starts to cry and she starts and then they find them and take them to the north pole and they keep them to Cristall is thinking why does it have to be her and why did they come to their house what did they want from her. Wait do they want to eat Cristall thinks away. Then she walks to her death and she gets cooked alive and the snowmen eat her THE END….. 



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