Sunday, February 14, 2021

WALT: use descriptive language about are holidays

 Timaru bay 

In the holidays on a hot summer day, I went down to the bay. IT was so hot it was hotter than a billion in digress.  See did you hear that I'm probably dying guys so here but let's get on to something else instead of me dying. I was at the beautiful bay there was a tonne of people were there. My guess is like a few thousand. 


I wanted to go on a ride so I get 5 bucks out of my bag and go to the counter and got my ticket and I went to line up. It took an hour but it felt like an eternity so yeah it took a long time. Well, I was all by myself, it wasn't scary because I have done it quite a lot but this time it was the tiniest bit scary. It kept on spinning and spinning my stomach hurt after but A little while after that I got some hot chips they were scorching hot my tong was on fire.

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