Wednesday, April 14, 2021

ANZAC stuff task 3

 Say if I meet the author what 5 questions would I say

1. What was your favorite part of  writing the book

2. Why did you want to write the book 

3.  Which is your favorite part of the story

4. What would you put more of the story as

5.  Where did you write this story at

Kia ora, today I have been working on this say if you meet the author what 5 questions would you ask him and why. My favorite of doing this was thinking of them and thinking what 5 questions would I ask the author well I think I asked the right question so thanks for reading this what would I ask if I meet the person that writes the story. 

ANZAC stuff


Hi there today I have been working on this ANZAC thing this is my 2nd activity it is about Torty the lucky tortoise and it hi him picking up the tortoise and the tortoise snapping back  


28th (Maori) Battalion


Kia ora, this is the 28th (Maori) Battalion there are links to the youtube video maybe put your volume down when you watching this video, and the other two links are just websites that you click on to see more information.   

Monday, April 12, 2021

Kenning poem







Hi, there this is a thing we did in our class it was fun and something different.  My favourtie part of it was making it up can you guess what I did.