Thursday, February 25, 2021

My pets blog contract


Hi there this a slide about my pets because today I have been working on it. Hope you enjoy what I have written thanks for checking this blog out.

Belonging to me poem

Hi there today I have been doing this belonging to my poem. My favorite part of doing this is publishing it hope you like it. 

Sunday, February 14, 2021

WALT: use descriptive language about are holidays

 Timaru bay 

In the holidays on a hot summer day, I went down to the bay. IT was so hot it was hotter than a billion in digress.  See did you hear that I'm probably dying guys so here but let's get on to something else instead of me dying. I was at the beautiful bay there was a tonne of people were there. My guess is like a few thousand. 


I wanted to go on a ride so I get 5 bucks out of my bag and go to the counter and got my ticket and I went to line up. It took an hour but it felt like an eternity so yeah it took a long time. Well, I was all by myself, it wasn't scary because I have done it quite a lot but this time it was the tiniest bit scary. It kept on spinning and spinning my stomach hurt after but A little while after that I got some hot chips they were scorching hot my tong was on fire.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Kawa of Care


Today we learnt about Kawa of Care that we signed an about the agreement to look after are Chromebook and we had to pick a number out of a hat and whatever number out of the hat there was a sentecne the funniest part about doing this was picking the font and hearing about what we agreed to.