Monday, December 6, 2021

Our Cultures


Hi there we have been doing the SLJ and we have been doing about our different cultures between our mums side or dad's side and we did what we like and what animals we have at home. I have been working with Emma H, and Capri P and its been fun doing it with them. By Tahlia  

Sunday, December 5, 2021

SLJ with Takutai


Hey today we have been doing stuff with takutai, we have signed up to SLJ and we watched a video and it was about how they used to know where they were going when they went overseas in a boat. And Miss Farr said what 10 things would you eat while on a boat of 3 weeks. It was fun because we could pick whatever we want to eat. By Tahlia 

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Diwali Diya


Hi guys welcome to my blog we have been doing Diwali for our Christmas concert and we have made diyas because diyas are like Diwali things they are a candle and the Diwali is about lights and colour. The fun bit was to paint it and  to make the actaul clay we made them we did a design adn then when it was dry we painted it and done but I have no clue how I got a drop of black on my work.

Monday, November 1, 2021



Hi there today I have read a Diwali story and we had to recap what happened in the story. So there was this lady named Tiffany she likes to make flags and these flags had a meaning about they want to happen or what they would like to happen but there was this one eight-year-old girl and Tifanny thought they she would say what she want to be when she grows up but then she said something like I want my family to be happy and that hit Tiffany very hard but here. My favorite part of the story was probably listening that the little girl would rather get happiness with their family than want a fun and good career. 

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Diwali and my Rangoli pattern


Hi this term we have been focusing on Diwali because we are doing this Christmas show around about at the end of the year so we have been learning a lot about Diwali right here is a rangoli pattern. When it's Diwali people have these in front of there door and its made out of coloured sand it is like a welcome thing right outside of the door. I enjoyed doing this because its like we are doing art but it was very hard to draw it but it was really fun and challenging at the same time. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Diwali and Matariki


Hi I'm Tahlia and today I'm just putting this on my blog because I didn't have time to put it on my blog yesterday well I did this and I learnt so much more about Diwali and Matariki. And Diwali is a celebration celebrated in India where millions of people celebrate it. And Matariki is the Maori new year and it is when people stay up late to look at the stars of the seven sisters. By Tahlia

Monday, September 27, 2021


Judith the big girl 

She is my teddy bear 

Judith likes to dig in the closet 

But she can't hear

Jerry the berry 

He likes to go to the diary 

He liked to eat cats

He was called Lerry the cat killer

Jake the cake eater 

He baked a pie 

Then he ate the pie 

And died 

Lia liked to be called Mia 

She sat on a cat 

Her friend was called Sarah 

Then she stepped on a crack so she married a rat 

Hi, there today I have done another poem called Quatrains these are the gangster Quatrains I liked to do funny ones and stuff. My favourite part of doing this was probably doing one about my dog named Jake he's one of my pets he's a dog and he loves to cuddle me and I love to cuddle him. I love everything about doing poems every day. By Tahlia